The film’s co-producer Rhea Kapoor was seen arriving at Mumbai’s Kokilaben Hospital to visit the actress. Sharing an update about her health, Shehnaazhosted an Instagram Live from the hospital.Lying on the hospital bed, the actress shared, “Dekho time sabka aata hai, sabka jata hai. Mere saath bhi vahi hua hai. Fir aaega thode din baad. Guys, I’m fine now. Mai theek nhi thi. Mujhey infection hogaya tha. Maine na sandwich kha liya tha. Infection hui hai mujhey food infection. (Everyone’s time comes and goes and this has happened in my case as well. It will come again. Guys, I’m fine now. I wasn’t well. I had a sandwich, wasn’t well. I have a food infection.)”
Reaching out to the actress, Anil Kapoor had joined the live session and commented, “Namatey Shehnaaz ji. You are like Mumtaz… the next Mumtaz. Sab dekh rahe hain, appreciate kar rahe hain (all are watching the film and appreciating it).”
Thank You For Coming marked the directorial debut of Rhea Kapoor’s husband Karan Boolani. The film starred Bhumi Pednekar, Shehnaaz Gill, Dolly Singh, Kusha Kapila and Shibani Bedi in lead roles. Ahead of its theatrical release in India, Thank You For Coming was screened at the 2023 Toronto International Film Festival. Sharing her experience of the same, Shehnaaz had said, “I am absolutely thrilled about our world premiere at TIFF. The outpouring of love and support I’ve been receiving for ‘Thank You For Coming’ is truly overwhelming, and I simply cannot wait for the world to witness the bold and immensely entertaining movie we’ve brought to life.”
Shehnaaz Gill grooves to the beats of Bhangra during screening of ‘Thankyou For Coming’- WATCH viral video…
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