At Deogarh in Rajsamand, Modi said Congress showed the door to “a Gujjar leader trying to make his career by working hard for the party” just like “picking a fly out of milk”.
On Gehlot, the PM said he wished the people of the state would make him pay the price for his outrageous insinuation that many rape complaints registered in the state were false.
“Does any woman agree with Gehlot? Do women in Rajasthan go to police stations and make false cases? Does any woman want her character to be questioned,” the PM asked the crowd, eliciting a chorus of “nahi (no)”.
“Will you not punish on November 25 those who make such remarks about women? I want you all to go to every house to tell them what Gehlot and his minister (Shanti Dhariwal) said for our mothers and sisters.”
Modi was referring to Gehlot’s statement in September 2022 about 50% of criminal cases filed by women being found to be “fake”.
Union home minister Amit Shah kept the digs coming, telling reporters in Jaipur that Gehlot was “a magician who made employment, basic amenities and law & order vanish” in five years. “Now, voters have made up their minds to make magician Gehlot vanish on December 3 (result day).” Shah said Congress’s vituperative campaign against Modi wasn’t a new thing. “Whenever Congress uses inappropriate words for PM Modi, it backfires on them. I am confident the people of Rajasthan will respond to the derogatory language directed at PM Modi on poll day.”
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