
Popular TV show Survivor US, which premiered in May 2000, has remained a hit series for over 24 years. It has clocked 45 seasons and has spawned over 50 international versions as well. The 46th season of the show is currently impressing fans every Thursdays 7.30pm on 9Go and is available for streaming (for free!) on 9Now.
Talking about reality show, it takes a group of strangers marooned in a remote location from anywhere between 26 to 39 days, where they are required to perform the tasks.The group is divided into different tribes. The groups must work together to compete in challenges against one another.
There are several different challenges that the tribes need to perform in order to win food, tools, comfort or immunity from elimination. The losers go to a tribal council where they must eliminate a member from their group.
Over time, alliances are formed within the tribe, and groups must work together to vote off bigger threats to cut off the competition. This is also done to increase their likelihood of making it to the end of the show. As challenges and Tribal Councils continue, the original tribes go down down to 10 members.
A later in the competition, the two tribes are combined into one and the contestants go against one another. The tribe members continue to compete in challenges against one another, maybe keeping prior alliances or possibly forming new ones in the game.
Moreover, the Councils continue to vote members out of the tribe, but now those voted off form a Jury. When it comes Down to the final two (or three), it’s the Jury that selects the winner of the reality. This is where prior actions or broken alliances can come back to haunt the final two (or three). The winner is awarded $1 million (USD) and the title of Sole Survivor. The show has won many hearts over the years.


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